Wait for image to be loaded before going on

You shouldn’t make anything synchronous (not even AJAX) calls but instead simply put your code in the appropriate callback:

function loadSprite(src, callback) {
    var sprite = new Image();
    sprite.onload = callback;
    sprite.src = src;

Then use it like this:

loadSprite("https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8645143/sprites/sheet1.png", function() {
    // code to be executed later

If you want to pass additional arguments, you can do it like this:

sprite.onload = function() {
    callback(whatever, args, you, have);

If you want to load multiple elements and need to wait for all of them to finish, consider using the jQuery deferred object:

function loadSprite(src) {
    var deferred = $.Deferred();
    var sprite = new Image();
    sprite.onload = function() {
    sprite.src = src;
    return deferred.promise();

In the function loading the sprites, you do something like this:

var loaders = [];
$.when.apply(null, loaders).done(function() {
    // callback when everything was loaded


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