What are industry standard best practices for implementing custom exceptions in C#?

The standard for creating custom exceptions is to derive from Exception. You can then introduce your own properties/methods and overloaded constructors (if applicable).

Here is a basic example of a custom ConnectionFailedException which takes in an extra parameter which is specific to the type of exception.

public class ConnectionFailedException : Exception
    public ConnectionFailedException(string message, string connectionString)
        : base(message)
        ConnectionString = connectionString;

    public string ConnectionString { get; private set; }

In the application this could be used in scenarios where the application is attempting to connect to a database e.g.

catch (Exception ex)
    throw new ConnectionFailedException(ex.Message, AConnString);

It’s up to you to then handle the ConnectionFailedException at a higher level (if applicable)

Also have a look at Designing Custom Exceptions and Custom Exceptions

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