What does “Sized is not implemented” mean?

The Sized trait is rather special, so special that it is a default bound on type parameters in most situations. It represents values that have a fixed size known at compile time, like u8 (1 byte) or &u32 (8 bytes on a platform with 64-bit pointers) etc. These values are flexible: they can be placed on the stack and moved onto the heap, and generally passed around by-value, as the compiler knows how much space it needs where-ever the value goes.

Types that aren’t sized are much more restricted, and a value of type Writer isn’t sized: it represents, abstractly, some unspecified type that implements Writer, with no knowledge of what the actual type is. Since the actual type isn’t known, the size can’t be known: some large types are Writers, some small types are. Writer is one example of a trait object, which at the moment, can only appear in executed code behind a pointer. Common examples include &Writer, &mut Writer, or Box<Writer>.

This explains why Sized is the default: it is often what one wants.

In any case, for your code, this is popping up because you’re using handle with h, which is a Fn(&mut Writer) -> IoResult<()>. If we match this against the F: Fn(&mut W) -> IoResult<()> type that Handle is implemented for we find that W = Writer, that is, we’re trying to use handle with the trait object &mut Writer, not a &mut W for some concrete type W. This is illegal because the W parameters in both the trait and the impl are defaulting to have a Sized bound, if we manually override it with ?Sized then everything works fine:

use std::io::{IoResult, Writer};
use std::io::stdio;

fn main() {
    let h = |&: w: &mut Writer| -> IoResult<()> {
        writeln!(w, "foo")
    let _ = h.handle(&mut stdio::stdout());

trait Handler<W: ?Sized> where W: Writer {
    fn handle(&self, &mut W) -> IoResult<()>;

impl<W: ?Sized, F> Handler<W> for F
where W: Writer, F: Fn(&mut W) -> IoResult<()> {
    fn handle(&self, w: &mut W) -> IoResult<()> { (*self)(w) }

And for the Rust 1.0 code:

use std::io::{self, Write};

fn main() {
    handle(&mut io::stdout());

fn handle(w: &mut Write) -> io::Result<()> {

fn handler<W: ?Sized>(w: &mut W) -> io::Result<()>
    W: Write,
    writeln!(w, "foo")

I also wrote a blog post about Sized and trait objects in general which has a little more detail.

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