What is the difference between immutable and const variables in Rust?

const, in Rust, is short for constant and is related to compile-time evaluation. It shows up:

  • when declaring constants: const FOO: usize = 3;
  • when declaring compile-time evaluable functions: const fn foo() -> &'static str

These kinds of values can be used as generic parameters: [u8; FOO]. For now this is limited to array size, but there is talk, plans, and hope to extend it further in the future.

By contrast, a let binding is about a run-time computed value.

Note that despite mut being used because the concept of mutability is well-known, Rust actually lies here. &T and &mut T are about aliasing, not mutability:

  • &T: shared reference
  • &mut T: unique reference

Most notably, some types feature interior mutability and can be mutated via &T (shared references): Cell, RefCell, Mutex, etc.

Note: there is an alternative use of mut and const with raw pointers (*mut T and *const T) which is not discussed here.

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