What is a Proxy in Doctrine 2?


This answer contains wrong information about differences between proxy objects and partial objects. See @Kontrollfreak’s answer for more details: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17787070/252591

Proxy objects are used whenever your query doesn’t return all data required to create an entity. Imagine following scenario:

class User {
     @Column protected $id;
     @Column protected $username;
     @Column protected $firstname;
     @Column protected $lastname;

     // bunch of setters/getters here

DQL query:

SELECT u.id, u.username FROM Entity\User u WHERE u.id = :id

As you can see this query doesn’t return firstname and lastname properties, therefore you cannot create User object. Creation of incomplete entity could lead to unexpected errors.

That’s why Doctrine will create UserProxy object that supports lazy loading. When you’ll try to access firstname property (which is not loaded) it will first load that value from database.

I mean why should I use a proxy ?

You should always write your code as if you didn’t use proxy objects at all. They can be treated as internal objects used by Doctrine.

Why the lazy loading can’t be implemented in the Entitiy itself?

Technically it could be but take a look at some random proxy object’s class. It’s full of dirty code, ugh. It’s nice to have a clean code in your entities.

Can you provide me an use case?

You’re displaying a list of latest 25 articles and you want to display a details of the first one. Each of them contain a large amount of text, so fetching all that data would be a waste of memory. That’s why you don’t fetch unnecessary data.

SELECT a.title, a.createdAt
FROM Entity\Article a
ORDER BY a.createdAt DESC

$isFirst = true;
foreach ($articles as $article) {
    echo $article->getTitle();
    echo $article->getCreatedAt();

    if ($isFirst) {
        echo $article->getContent(); // Article::content is not loaded so it is transparently loaded 
                                     // for this single article.

        $isFirst = false;

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