What is the benefit of using Fragments in Android, rather than Views?

The main reason to use Fragments are for the backstack and lifecycle features. Otherwise, custom views are more light weight and simpler to implement.

At first, I actually tried to build a phone/tablet app using custom views. Everything appeared to work across phones AND tablets, even switching from single panel to split panel. Where I ran into trouble was with the back button and life cycle. Since I was simply updating views manually…there was nothing keeping track of the history of views and their states. Therefore, the back button did not work as expected and it was difficult to recreate even the latest state during life cycle events, such as when rotating the app. To fix that, I had to wrap my custom views in fragments and use the FragmentManager so that the previous states would be saved and recreated.

I realized after answering that I posted to a similar question a year earlier: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11126397/618881

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