What is the fastest way I can compare two equal-size bitmaps to determine whether they are identical?

Edit 8-31-12: per Joey’s comment below, be mindful of the format of the bitmaps you compare. They may contain padding on the strides that render the bitmaps unequal, despite being equivalent pixel-wise. See this question for more details.

Reading this answer to a question regarding comparing byte arrays has yielded a MUCH FASTER method: using P/Invoke and the memcmp API call in msvcrt. Here’s the code:

private static extern int memcmp(IntPtr b1, IntPtr b2, long count);

public static bool CompareMemCmp(Bitmap b1, Bitmap b2)
    if ((b1 == null) != (b2 == null)) return false;
    if (b1.Size != b2.Size) return false;

    var bd1 = b1.LockBits(new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), b1.Size), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
    var bd2 = b2.LockBits(new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), b2.Size), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

        IntPtr bd1scan0 = bd1.Scan0;
        IntPtr bd2scan0 = bd2.Scan0;

        int stride = bd1.Stride;
        int len = stride * b1.Height;

        return memcmp(bd1scan0, bd2scan0, len) == 0;

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