What is the hard recursion limit for Linux, Mac and Windows?

On Windows (at least), sys.setrecursionlimit isn’t the full story. The hard limit is on a per-thread basis and you need to call threading.stack_size and create a new thread once you reach a certain limit. (I think 1MB, but not sure) I’ve used this approach to increase it to a 64MB stack.

import sys
import threading

threading.stack_size(67108864) # 64MB stack
sys.setrecursionlimit(2 ** 20) # something real big
                               # you actually hit the 64MB limit first
                               # going by other answers, could just use 2**32-1

# only new threads get the redefined stack size
thread = threading.Thread(target=main)

I haven’t tried to see what limits there might be on threading.stack_size, but feel free to try… that’s where you need to look.

In summary, sys.setrecursionlimit is just a limit enforced by the interpreter itself. threading.stack_size lets you manipulate the actual limit imposed by the OS. If you hit the latter limit first, Python will just crash completely.

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