When virtual inheritance IS a good design?

If you have an interface hierarchy and a corresponding implementation hierarchy, making the interface base classes virtual bases is necessary.


struct IBasicInterface
    virtual ~IBasicInterface() {}
    virtual void f() = 0;

struct IExtendedInterface : virtual IBasicInterface
    virtual ~IExtendedInterface() {}
    virtual void g() = 0;

// One possible implementation strategy
struct CBasicImpl : virtual IBasicInterface
    virtual ~CBasicImpl() {}
    virtual void f();

struct CExtendedImpl : virtual IExtendedInterface, CBasicImpl
    virtual ~CExtendedImpl() {}
    virtual void g();

Usually this only makes sense if you have a number of interfaces that extend the basic interface and more than one implementation strategy required in different situations. This way you have a clear interface hierarchy and your implementation hierarchies can use inheritance to avoid the duplication of common implementations. If you’re using Visual Studio you get a lot of warning C4250, though.

To prevent accidental slicing it is usually best if the CBasicImpl and CExtendedImpl classes aren’t instantiable but instead have a further level of inheritance providing no extra functionality save a constructor.

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