Why are batch inserts/updates faster? How do batch updates work?

I was looking for an answer on the same subject, about “bulk/batch” update. People often describe the problem by comparing it with insert clause with multiple value sets (the “bulk” part).

INSERT INTO mytable (mykey, mytext, myint)
  (1, 'text1', 11),
  (2, 'text2', 22),

Clear answer was still avoiding me, but I found the solution here: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/sql-values.html

To make it clear:

UPDATE mytable
  mytext = myvalues.mytext,
  myint = myvalues.myint
    (1, 'textA', 99),
    (2, 'textB', 88),
) AS myvalues (mykey, mytext, myint)
WHERE mytable.mykey = myvalues.mykey

It has the same property of being “bulk” aka containing alot of data with one statement.

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