Why are ES6 classes not hoisted?

Why are ES6 classes not hoisted?

Actually they are hoisted (the variable binding is available in the whole scope) just like let and const are – they only are not initialised.

It would make sense to hoist its definition

No. It’s never a good idea to use a class before its definition. Consider the example

var foo = new Bar(); // this appears to work
console.log(foo.x)   // but doesn't

function Bar(x) {
    this.x = x || Bar.defaultX;
Bar.defaultX = 0;

and compare it to

var foo = new Bar(); // ReferenceError

class Bar {
    constructor (x = Bar.defaultX) {
        this.x = x;
Bar.defaultX = 0;

which throws an error as you would expect. This is a problem for static properties, prototype mixins, decorators and everything. Also it is quite important for subclassing, which broke entirely in ES5 when you used a class with its non-adjusted prototype, but now throws an error if an extended class is not yet initialised.

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