Why do people put code like “throw 1; ” and “for(;;);” in front of json responses? [duplicate]

Even without the for(;;); how would the attacker get the data?

Attacks are based on altering the behaviour of the built-in types, in particular Object and Array, by altering their constructor function or its prototype. Then when the targeted JSON uses a {...} or [...] construct, they’ll be the attacker’s own versions of those objects, with potentially-unexpected behaviour.

For example, you can hack a setter-property into Object, that would betray the values written in object literals:

Object.prototype.__defineSetter__('x', function(x) {
    alert('Ha! I steal '+x);

Then when a <script> was pointed at some JSON that used that property name:

{"x": "hello"}

the value "hello" would be leaked.

The way that array and object literals cause setters to be called is controversial. Firefox removed the behaviour in version 3.5, in response to publicised attacks on high-profile web sites. However at the time of writing Safari (4) and Chrome (5) are still vulnerable to this.

Another attack that all browsers now disallow was to redefine constructor functions:

Array= function() {
    alert('I steal '+this);

[1, 2, 3]

And for now, IE8’s implementation of properties (based on the ECMAScript Fifth Edition standard and Object.defineProperty) currently does not work on Object.prototype or Array.prototype.

But as well as protecting past browsers, it may be that extensions to JavaScript cause more potential leaks of a similar kind in future, and in that case chaff should protect against those too.

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