Why does cudaMalloc() use pointer to pointer?

In C, data can be passed to functions by value or via simulated pass-by-reference (i.e. by a pointer to the data). By value is a one-way methodology, by pointer allows for two-way data flow between the function and its calling environment.

When a data item is passed to a function via the function parameter list, and the function is expected to modify the original data item so that the modified value shows up in the calling environment, the correct C method for this is to pass the data item by pointer. In C, when we pass by pointer, we take the address of the item to be modified, creating a pointer (perhaps a pointer to a pointer in this case) and hand the address to the function. This allows the function to modify the original item (via the pointer) in the calling environment.

Normally malloc returns a pointer, and we can use assignment in the calling environment to assign this returned value to the desired pointer. In the case of cudaMalloc, the CUDA designers chose to use the returned value to carry an error status rather than a pointer. Therefore the setting of the pointer in the calling environment must occur via one of the parameters passed to the function, by reference (i.e. by pointer). Since it is a pointer value that we want to set, we must take the address of the pointer (creating a pointer to a pointer) and pass that address to the cudaMalloc function.

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