Why is a borrow still held in the else block of an if let?

I put together an example to show off the scoping rules here:

struct Foo {
    a: i32,

impl Drop for Foo {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("Foo: {}", self.a);

fn generate_temporary(a: i32) -> Option<Foo> {
    if a != 0 { Some(Foo { a: a }) } else { None }

fn main() {
        println!("-- 0");
        if let Some(foo) = generate_temporary(0) {
            println!("Some Foo {}", foo.a);
        } else {
        println!("-- 1");
        println!("-- 0");
        if let Some(foo) = generate_temporary(1) {
            println!("Some Foo {}", foo.a);
        } else {
        println!("-- 1");
        println!("-- 0");
        if let Some(Foo { a: 1 }) = generate_temporary(1) {
            println!("Some Foo {}", 1);
        } else {
        println!("-- 1");
        println!("-- 0");
        if let Some(Foo { a: 2 }) = generate_temporary(1) {
            println!("Some Foo {}", 1);
        } else {
        println!("-- 1");

This prints:

-- 0
-- 1
-- 0
Some Foo 1
Foo: 1
-- 1
-- 0
Some Foo 1
Foo: 1
-- 1
-- 0
Foo: 1
-- 1

In short, it seems that the expression in the if clause lives through both the if block and the else block.

On the one hand it is not surprising since it is indeed required to live longer than the if block, but on the other hand it does indeed prevent useful patterns.

If you prefer a visual explanation:

if let pattern = foo() {
} else {

desugars into:

    let x = foo();
    match x {
    pattern => { if-block }
    _ => { else-block }

while you would prefer that it desugars into:

bool bypass = true;
    let x = foo();
    match x {
    pattern => { if-block }
    _ => { bypass = false; }
if not bypass {

You are not the first one being tripped by this, so this may be addressed at some point, despite changing the meaning of some code (guards, in particular).

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