Why is javac failing on @Override annotation

The @Override annotation spec changed in Java 1.6. In Java 1.5, the compiler did not allow the @Override annotation on implemented interface methods, but in 1.6 it does. First search result I found is a blog post here.. It was not well documented, but it did change.

Eclipse is adding it because your Eclipse is set for 1.6 compliance. You should try to keep your build and eclipse environments on the same version of Java. It’s unclear to me by your specifying Cruise Control is running Java 5 on whether or not it is compiling using a separate JDK6 or not.

Separate from the above 1.5 vs 1.6 @Override annotation rules, remember that Eclipse has its own compiler implementation (not javac) and will occasionally have different behavior. Whenever something compiles in Eclipse, but not Ant or Maven, you will need to find a way to make both compilers happy.

Here's a screenshot of changing the compiler in eclipse

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