How to send “Cookie” in request header for all the requests in Angular2?

I guess that there is a phase where you ask the server to authenticate you. Following this (and if the authentication is successful), the server will return a cookie in the response. The browser will store this cookie and send it again for each call.

That said, in the case of cross domain requests (CORS), you need to set the withCredentials of XHR to true to make the browser add cookies in your requests.

To enable this with Angular2, we need to extend the BrowserXhr class as described below:

export class CustomBrowserXhr extends BrowserXhr {
  constructor() {}
  build(): any {
    let xhr =;
    xhr.withCredentials = true;
    return <any>(xhr);

and override the BrowserXhr provider with the extended:

bootstrap(AppComponent, [
  provide(BrowserXhr, { useClass: CustomBrowserXhr })

See this questions for more details:

Edit (following the freaker‘s comment)

From RC2, you can use the withCredentials property directly within the request configuration as described below:

this.http.get('http://...', { withCredentials: true })

Edit (following the [maxou] comment)

Remember to include withCredentials: true on every request.

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