Why is object not dealloc’ed when using ARC + NSZombieEnabled

Turns out, I’ve written some serious nonsense

If zombies worked like I originally wrote, turning on zombies would directly lead to innumerable false positives…

There is some isa-swizzling going on, probably in _objc_rootRelease, so any override of dealloc should still be called with zombies enabled. The only thing that won’t happen with zombies is the actual call to object_dispose — at least not by default.

What’s funny is that, if you do a little logging, you will actually see that even with ARC enabled, your implementation of dealloc will call through to it’s superclass’s implementation.

I was actually assuming to not see this at all: since ARC generates these funky .cxx_destruct methods to dispose of any __strong ivars of a class, I was expecting to see this method call dealloc — if it’s implemented.

Apparently, setting NSZombieEnabled to YES causes .cxx_destruct to not be called at all — at least that’s what happened when I’ve edited your sample project:
zombies off leads to backtrace and both deallocs, while zombies on yields no backtrace and only one dealloc.

If you’re interested, the additional logging is contained in a fork of the sample project — works by just running: there are two shared schemes for zombies on/off.

Original (nonsensical) answer:

This is not a bug, but a feature.

And it has nothing to do with ARC.

NSZombieEnabled basically swizzles dealloc for an implementation which, in turn, isa-swizzles that object’s type to _NSZombie — a dummy class that blows up, as soon as you send any message to it. This is expected behavior and — if I’m not entirely mistaken — documented.

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