why is sax parsing faster than dom parsing ? and how does stax work?

Assuming you do nothing but parse the document, the ranking of the different parser standards is as follows:

1. StAX is the fastest

  • The event is reported to you

2. SAX is next

  • It does everything StAX does plus the content is realized automatically (element name, namespace, attributes, …)

3. DOM is last

  • It does everything SAX does and presents the information as an instance of Node.

Your Use Case

  • If you need to maintain all of the XML, DOM is the standard representation. It integrates cleanly with XSLT transforms (javax.xml.transform), XPath (javax.xml.xpath), and schema validation (javax.xml.validation) APIs. However if performance is key, you may be able to build your own tree structure using StAX faster than a DOM parser could build a DOM.

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