Why is the Hibernate query.list() slow?

I am not 100% certain on this answer, since tuning / optimization issues are always so difficult to pinpoint.

However, based on the fact that you turned on show_sql, extracted the query, and ran it directly against the database and saw sub-second results vs execution time through Hibernate Query, I am focusing on the manner in which Hibernate is constructing and hydrating objects that result from the query.list() call.

Here is another user who mentioned similar Query performance issues in Hibernate, and saw dramatic performance increases by adding full convenience constructors (constructors that accept a value for each field) in the POJO: Simple hibernate query returning very slowly

It sounds like they stumbled upon this fix, and there was not a clear understanding of why this worked. There was speculation regarding Hibernate having to use reflection to detect properties. I am curious myself and am planning to dig into the source code for Hibernate to better understand this when I have a chance. In the meantime, though, you may wish to look into adding these full constructors with parameters for all of your POJO class attributes and see if that makes a difference.

Please do let me know what you find, as I am very interested in Hibernate performance optimization. Thanks!

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