Why is ValueType.GetHashCode() implemented like it is?

The actual implementation of ValueType.GetHashCode() doesn’t quite match the comment. It has two versions of the algorithm, fast and slow. It first checks if the struct contains any members of a reference type and if there is any padding between the fields. Padding is empty space in a structure value, created when the JIT compiler aligns the fields. There’s padding in a struct that contains bool and int (3 bytes) but no padding when it contains int and int, they fit snugly together.

Without a reference and without padding, it can do the fast version since every bit in the structure value is a bit that belongs to a field value. It simply xors 4 bytes at a time. You’ll get a ‘good’ hash code that considers all the members. Many simple structure types in the .NET framework behave this way, like Point and Size.

Failing that test, it does the slow version, the moral equivalent of reflection. That’s what you get, your KeyValuePair<> contains references. And this one only checks the first candidate field, like the comment says. This is surely a perf optimization, avoiding burning too much time.

Yes, nasty detail and not that widely known. It is usually discovered when somebody notices that their collection code sucks mud.

One more excruciating detail: the fast version has a bug that bytes when the structure contains a field of a type decimal. The values 12m and 12.0m are logically equal but they don’t have the same bit pattern. GetHashCode() will say that they are not equal. Ouch.

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