With Rx, how do I ignore all-except-the-latest value when my Subscribe method is running

Here is a method that is similar to Dave’s but uses Sample instead (which is more appropriate than buffer). I’ve included a similar extension method to the one I added to Dave’s answer.

The extension:

public static IDisposable SubscribeWithoutOverlap<T>(this IObservable<T> source, Action<T> action)
    var sampler = new Subject<Unit>();

    var sub = source.
        Subscribe(l =>

    // start sampling when we have a first value
    source.Take(1).Subscribe(_ => sampler.OnNext(Unit.Default));

    return sub;

Note that it’s simpler, and there is no ’empty’ buffer that’s fired. The first element that is sent to the action actually comes from the stream itself.

Usage is straightforward:

messages.SubscribeWithoutOverlap(n =>
    Console.WriteLine("start: " + n);
    Console.WriteLine("end: " + n);

messages.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine("source: " + x)); // for testing

And results:

source: 0
start: 0
source: 1
source: 2
source: 3
source: 4
source: 5
end: 0
start: 5
source: 6
source: 7
source: 8
source: 9
source: 10
end: 5
start: 10
source: 11
source: 12
source: 13
source: 14
source: 15
end: 10

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