Writing to a file on SFTP server opened using Paramiko/pysftp “open” method is slow

You open the remote file without buffering. That way, every time the df.to_csv writes to the file, Paramiko/pysftp sends a request to the SFTP server and waits for a response. I do not know internals of df.to_csv, but it’s likely it does one write per line (if not more). That would explain, why the upload is so slow. Particularly, if your connection to the server has high latency.

To enable buffered writes, use bufsize parameter of Connection.open:

with sftp.open(destination_path, 'w+', 32768) as f:

Similarly for reads/downloads:
Reading file opened with Python Paramiko SFTPClient.open method is slow

Obligatory warning: Do not set cnopts.hostkeys = None, unless you do not care about security. For the correct solution see Verify host key with pysftp.

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