XCFramework with Pods Dependencies

You can create a pod and publish it.

Check https://guides.cocoapods.org/making/making-a-cocoapod.html

Sample Podspec file with XCFramework + Third party dependency

Pod::Spec.new do |s|  
    s.name="XCFrameworkTest" # Name for your pod
    s.version           = '0.0.1'
    s.summary           = 'Sample Spec'

    s.author            = { 'Sample' => '[email protected]' }
    s.license = { :type => "MIT", :text => "MIT License" }

    s.platform          = :ios
    # change the source location
    s.source            = { :http => 'http://localhost:8080/XCFrameworkTest.zip' } 
    s.ios.vendored_frameworks="XCFrameworkTest.xcframework" # Your XCFramework
    s.dependency 'PromisesSwift', '1.2.8' # Third Party Dependency

After you publish your pod, Customer can use cocopods to get our framework.

In Customer’s Podfile

pod 'XCFrameworkTest' #Your pod name

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