XmlSerializer startup HUGE performance loss on 64bit systems

I don’t know if this is related at all, but I had an issue with XSLT and found those rather interesting comments by Microsoft about the 64-Bit JITter:

The root of the problem is related to two things: First, the x64 JIT compiler has a few algorithms that are quadratically scaling. One of them is the debug info generator, unfortunately. So for very large methods, it really gets out of control.


some algorithms in the 64 bit JIT that have polynomial scaling. We’re actually working on porting the 32 bit JIT compiler to x64, but that won’t see the light of day until the next side-by-side release of the runtime (as in “2.0 & 4.0 run side-by-side, but 3.0/3.5/3.5SP1 were ‘in-place’ releases). I’ve switched this over to a ‘suggestion’ so I can keep it attached to the JIT-throughput work item to make sure this is fixed when the newly ported JIT is ready to ship.

Again, this is about a completely different issue, but it appears to me that the 64-Bit JITter comments are universal.

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