A possible algorithm for determining whether two strings are anagrams of one another? [closed]

I wrote a quick program to brute-force search for conflicts and found that this approach does not always work. The strings ABFN and AAHM have the same ASCII sum and product, but are not anagrams of one another. Their ASCII sum is 279 and ASCII product is 23,423,400.

There are a lot more conflicts than this. My program, searching over all length-four strings, found 11,737 conflicts.

For reference, here’s the C++ source code:

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  /* Sparse 2D table where used[sum][prod] is either nothing or is a string
   * whose characters sum to "sum" and whose product is "prod".
  map<int, map<int, string> > used;

  /* List of all usable characters in the string. */
  vector<char> usable;
  for (char ch="A"; ch <= 'Z'; ch++) {
  for (char ch="a"; ch <= 'z'; ch++) {

  /* Brute-force search over all possible length-four strings.  To avoid
   * iterating over anagrams, the search only explores strings whose letters
   * are in increasing ASCII order.
  for (int a = 0; a < usable.size(); a++) {
    for (int b = a; b < usable.size(); b++) {
      for (int c = b; c < usable.size(); c++) {
        for (int d = c; d < usable.size(); d++) {
          /* Compute the sum and product. */
          int sum  = usable[a] + usable[b] + usable[c] + usable[d];
          int prod = usable[a] * usable[b] * usable[c] * usable[d];

          /* See if we have already seen this. */
          if (used.count(sum) &&
              used[sum].count(prod)) {
            cout << "Conflict found: " << usable[a] << usable[b] << usable[c] << usable[d] << " conflicts with " << used[sum][prod] << endl;

          /* Update the table. */
          used[sum][prod] = string() + usable[a] + usable[b] + usable[c] + usable[d];

Hope this helps!

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