ActiveRecord OR query Hash notation

There are 5 options that could be considered as implementations of «Hash notation» (the last two are kinda hash-ish):

  1. With Ruby on Rails 5 you are able to do the following chaining using ActiveRecord::Relation#or method:

    Person.where(name: 'Neil').or(Person.where(age: 27))
  2. Use where_values together with reduce. The unscoped method is necessary only for Rails 4.1+ to ensure default_scope is not included in the where_values. Otherwise predicates from both default_scope and where would be chained with the or operator:

      Person.unscoped.where(name: ['Neil'], age: [27]).where_values.reduce(:or) 
  3. Install third-party plugins that implement these or similar features, for example:

    • Where Or (backport of the Ruby on Rails 5 .or feature mentioned above)

    • Squeel

      Person.where{(name == 'Neil') | (age == 27)} 
    • RailsOr

      Person.where(name: 'Neil').or(age: 27)
    • ActiverecordAnyOf

      Person.where.anyof(name: 'Neil', age: 27)
    • SmartTuple

        (' or ') << {name: 'Neil', age: 27}).compile
  4. Use Arel:

  5. Use prepared statements with named parameters:

    Person.where('name = :name or age = :age', name: 'Neil', age: 27)

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