Adding a Line to the Middle of a File with .NET

With regular files there’s no way around it – you must read the text that follows the line you wish to append after, overwrite the file, and then append the original trailing text.

Think of files on disk as arrays – if you want to insert some items into the middle of an array, you need to shift all of the following items down to make room. The difference is that .NET offers convenience methods for arrays and Lists that make this easy to do. The file I/O APIs offer no such convenience methods, as far as I’m aware.

When you know in advance you need to insert in the middle of a file, it is often easier to simply write a new file with the altered content, and then perform a rename. If the file is small enough to read into memory, you can do this quite easily with some LINQ:

var allLines = File.ReadAllLines( filename ).ToList();
allLines.Insert( insertPos, "This is a new line..." );
File.WriteAllLines( filename, allLines.ToArray() );

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