Adding an image within a circle object in d3 javascript?

As Lars says you need to use pattern, once you do that it becomes pretty straightforward. Here’s a link to a conversation in d3 google groups about this. I’ve set up a fiddle here using the image of a pint from that conversation and your code above.

To set up the pattern:

    <svg id="mySvg" width="80" height="80">
      <defs id="mdef">
        <pattern id="image" x="0" y="0" height="40" width="40">
          <image x="0" y="0" width="40" height="40" xlink:href=""></image>

Then the d3 where we only change the fill:

         .attr("class", "logo")
         .attr("cx", 225)
         .attr("cy", 225)
         .attr("r", 20)
         .style("fill", "transparent")       
         .style("stroke", "black")     
         .style("stroke-width", 0.25)
         .on("mouseover", function(){ 
                   .style("fill", "url(#image)");
          .on("mouseout", function(){ 
                   .style("fill", "transparent");

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