Algorithm for simplifying decimal to fractions

The algorithm that the other people have given you gets the answer by calculating the Continued Fraction of the number. This gives a fractional sequence which is guaranteed to converge very, very rapidly. However it is not guaranteed to give you the smallest fraction that is within a distance epsilon of a real number. To find that you have to walk the Stern-Brocot tree.

To do that you subtract off the floor to get the number in the range [0, 1), then your lower estimate is 0, and your upper estimate is 1. Now do a binary search until you are close enough. At each iteration if your lower is a/b and your upper is c/d your middle is (a+c)/(b+d). Test your middle against x, and either make the middle the upper, the lower, or return your final answer.

Here is some very non-idiomatic (and hence, hopefully, readable even if you don’t know the language) Python that implements this algorithm.

def float_to_fraction (x, error=0.000001):
    n = int(math.floor(x))
    x -= n
    if x < error:
        return (n, 1)
    elif 1 - error < x:
        return (n+1, 1)

    # The lower fraction is 0/1
    lower_n = 0
    lower_d = 1
    # The upper fraction is 1/1
    upper_n = 1
    upper_d = 1
    while True:
        # The middle fraction is (lower_n + upper_n) / (lower_d + upper_d)
        middle_n = lower_n + upper_n
        middle_d = lower_d + upper_d
        # If x + error < middle
        if middle_d * (x + error) < middle_n:
            # middle is our new upper
            upper_n = middle_n
            upper_d = middle_d
        # Else If middle < x - error
        elif middle_n < (x - error) * middle_d:
            # middle is our new lower
            lower_n = middle_n
            lower_d = middle_d
        # Else middle is our best fraction
            return (n * middle_d + middle_n, middle_d)

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