All factors of a given number

In Ruby, the prime library gives you the factorization:

require 'prime'
4800.prime_division #=> [[2, 6], [3, 1], [5, 2]]

To get that list of yours, you take the cartesian product of the possible powers:

require 'prime'
def factors_of(number)
  primes, powers = number.prime_division.transpose
  exponents ={|i| (0..i).to_a}
  divisors = exponents.shift.product(*exponents).map do |powers|{|prime, power| prime ** power}.inject(:*)
  end{|div| [div, number / div]}

p factors_of(4800) # => [[1, 4800], [2, 2400], ..., [4800, 1]]

Note: In Ruby 1.8.7, you must require 'mathn' instead of require 'prime'. In Ruby 1.8.6, require 'backports/1.8.7/enumerable/inject' or modify the inject above…

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