AngularJS ng-include inside of Google Maps InfoWindow?

After you add the content to the DOM, you’ll need to find it (maybe with a jQquery selector?), then $compile() it and apply it to the appropriate scope. This will cause Angular to parse your content and act on any directives it finds (like ng-include).

E.g., $compile(foundElement)(scope)

Without more code, it is difficult to give a more precise answer. However, here is a similar question and answer you can look at.

Update: okay, I finally got this to work, and I learned a few things.

      (function( marker , scope, localLatLng ){
        return function(){
          var content="<div id="infowindow_content" ng-include src="\"infowindow.html\'"></div>';
          scope.latLng = localLatLng;
          var compiled = $compile(content)(scope);
          infowindow.setContent( compiled[0].innerHTML );
 Map , marker );
        };//return fn()
      })( marker , scope, scope.markers[i].locations )

I was under the impression that only DOM elements could be $compiled — i.e., that I first had to add the content to the DOM, and then compile it. It turns out that is not true. Above, I first compile content against the scope, and then add it to the DOM. (I don’t know if this might break databinding — i.e., the $watch()es that were set up by $compile.) I had to set scope.latLng because the ng-included template needs to interpolate {{latLng[0]}} and {{latLng[1]}}. I used innerHTML instead of outerHTML so that only the contents of infowindow.html are inserted.


Update2: Clicking does not work the first time. It appears that ‘infowindow.html’ is not loaded until a second click (I tried calling scope.$apply() a second time… didn’t help). When I had the plunker working, I had inlined the contents of infowindow.html in index.html:

<script type="text/ng-template" id="/test.html">

I was using that in addListener():

var content="<div id="infowindow_content" ng-include src="\"/test.html\'"></div>';

I changed the plunker to use the inlined template.

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