Can I write an Iterator that mutates itself and then yields a reference into itself?

This is not possible. If it were allowed one could call next again and thus modify data that is also visible via & or even invalidate the reference entirely. This is because there is no connection between the self object itself and the returned reference: there is no explicit lifetime linking them.

For the compiler to reason about this and allow returning a reference into self next needs a signature like

fn next(&'a mut self) -> Option<&'a [i8]>

However, this differs from the signature of the trait which is not allowed as generic code that just takes an T: Iterator<...> cannot tell that there are different requirements on the use of the return value for some T; all have to be handled identically.

The Iterator trait is designed for return values that are independent of the iterator object, which is necessary for iterator adaptors like .collect to be correct and safe. This is more restrictive than necessary for many uses (e.g. a transient use inside a for loop) but it is just how it is at the moment. I don’t think we have the tools for generalising this trait/the for loop properly now (specifically, I think we need associated types with higher rank lifetimes), but maybe in the future.

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