Can you redirect Tee-Object to standard out?

To complement zett42’s helpful answer:

If you’re running PowerShell (Core) 7+, you can pass the file path that represents the terminal (console) to the (positionally implied) -FilePath parameter (in Windows PowerShell, this causes an error, unfortunately – see bottom section):

# PowerShell 7+ only

# Windows
Get-Content data.txt | Tee-Object \\.\CON | data_processor.exe

# Unix-like platforms (Linux, macOS)
Get-Content data.txt | Tee-Object /dev/tty | data_processor.exe

# Platform-agnostic
Get-Content data.txt | Tee-Object ($IsWindows ? '\\.\CON': '/dev/tty') | data_processor.exe

This passes all data through while also printing it to the terminal (console), richly formatted, as usual, as it becomes available – unlike with the Tee-Object -Variable approach, which requires collecting all output in memory first (which is a concern both in terms of output timing and memory consumption).

Windows PowerShell solution: Custom proxy (wrapper) function Tee-Host wraps Out-Host while also passing its input through; use it instead of Tee-Object:

function Tee-Host {  
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $InputObject

    $scriptCmd = { Out-Host }
    $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($myInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    # Pass to Out-Host, and therefore to the host (terminal)
    # Pass through (to the success stream)
  • In effect, Tee-Host behaves like Tee-Object \\.\CON / Tee-Object /dev/tty in PowerShell 7+, where Tee-Host works too.

  • Even in PowerShell 7+ Tee-Host may be preferable, because it uses colored output unconditionally, whereas the coloring behavior of Tee-Object \\.\CON / Tee-Object /dev/tty depends on the value of $PSStyle.OutputRendering

It is the use of a proxy function with a steppable pipeline wrapping Out-Host that ensures that the to-host formatted output looks the same as when the input is directly sent to the host.

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