‘cannot open git-upload-pack’ error in Eclipse when cloning or pushing git repository

Might also be bad SSL cert, fix the server

If you have a GIT server with an outdated or self-signed SSL cert fix the server, afterwards everything should run fine.

Insecure Hotfix: Let the client accept any certificate

The following solution is just a mere hotfix on client side and should be avoided as it compromises security of your credentials and content. There is a detailed explanation for this in “How can I make git accept a self signed certificate?” which offers more complex and more secure solutions you can try out if the following works in general.

In my case it was Eclipse using a different storage for the git config as the command line does and thus not having the option

git config http.sslVerify false

set (which I set using command line for the repo for working with invalid/untrusted SSL cert).

Adding the option insides Eclipse immediately resolves the issue. To add the option

  1. open preferences via application menu Window => Preferences (or on OSX Eclipse => Settings).
  2. Navigate to Team => Git => Configuration
  3. click Add entry..., then put http.sslVerify in the key box and false in the value box.

Seems to be a valid solution for Eclipse 4.4 (Luna), 4.5.x (Mars) and 4.6.x (Neon) on different Operating systems.

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