Compare two CSV files and search for similar items

The answer by srgerg is terribly inefficient, as it operates in quadratic time; here is a linear time solution instead, using Python 2.6-compatible syntax:

import csv

with open('masterlist.csv', 'rb') as master:
    master_indices = dict((r[1], i) for i, r in enumerate(csv.reader(master)))

with open('hosts.csv', 'rb') as hosts:
    with open('results.csv', 'wb') as results:    
        reader = csv.reader(hosts)
        writer = csv.writer(results)

        writer.writerow(next(reader, []) + ['RESULTS'])

        for row in reader:
            index = master_indices.get(row[3])
            if index is not None:
                message="FOUND in master list (row {})".format(index)
                message="NOT FOUND in master list"
            writer.writerow(row + [message])

This produces a dictionary, mapping signatures from masterlist.csv to a line number first. Lookups in a dictionary take constant time, making the second loop over hosts.csv rows independant from the number of rows in masterlist.csv. Not to mention code that’s a lot simpler.

For those using Python 3, the above only needs to have the open() calls adjusted to open in text mode (remove the b from the file mode), and you want to add new line="" so the CSV reader can take control of line separators. You may want to state the encoding to use explicitly rather than rely on your system default (use encoding=...). The master_indices mapping can be built with a dictionary comprehension ({r[1]: i for i, r in enumerate(csv.reader(master))}).

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