Conditional tests in primality by trial division

UPD: This is a compiler optimization issue, obviously. While MinGW used only one div instruction in loop body, both GCC on Linux and MSVC failed to reuse the quotient from previous iteration.

I think the best we could do is explicitly define quo and rem and calculate them in the same basic instruction block, to show the compiler we want both quotient and remainder.

int is_prime(uint64_t n)
    uint64_t p = 3, quo, rem;
    if (!(n & 1) || n < 2) return n == 2;

    quo = n / p;
    for (; p <= quo; p += 2){
        quo = n / p; rem = n % p;
        if (!(rem)) return 0;
    return 1;

I tried your code from on a MinGW-w64 compiler, case 1 is faster than case 2.

enter image description here

So I guess you are compiling targeted to a 32-bit architecture and used uint64_t type. Your assembly shows it doesn’t use any 64-bit register.

If I got it right, there is the reason.

On 32-bit architecture, 64-bit numbers is represented in two 32-bit registers, your compiler will do all concatenation works. It’s simple to do 64-bit addition, subtraction and multiplication. But modulo and division is done by a small function call which named as ___umoddi3 and ___udivdi3 in GCC, aullrem and aulldiv in MSVC.

So actually you need one ___umoddi3 and one ___udivdi3 for each iteration in case 1, one ___udivdi3 and one concatenation of 64-bit multiplication in case 2. That’s why case 1 seems twice slower than case 2 in your test.

What you really get in case 1:

    addl    $2, %esi
    adcl    $0, %edi
    movl    %esi, 8(%esp)
    movl    %edi, 12(%esp)
    movl    %ebx, (%esp)
    movl    %ebp, 4(%esp)
    call    ___udivdi3         // A call for div
    cmpl    %edi, %edx
    ja  L6
    jae L21
    movl    %esi, 8(%esp)
    movl    %edi, 12(%esp)
    movl    %ebx, (%esp)
    movl    %ebp, 4(%esp)
    call    ___umoddi3        // A call for modulo.
    orl %eax, %edx
    jne L5

What you really get in case 2:

    addl    $2, %esi
    adcl    $0, %edi
    movl    %esi, %eax
    movl    %edi, %ecx
    imull   %esi, %ecx
    mull    %esi
    addl    %ecx, %ecx
    addl    %ecx, %edx
    cmpl    %edx, %ebx
    ja  L27
    jae L41
    movl    %esi, 8(%esp)
    movl    %edi, 12(%esp)
    movl    %ebp, (%esp)
    movl    %ebx, 4(%esp)
    call    ___umoddi3         // Just one call for modulo
    orl %eax, %edx
    jne L26

MSVC failed to reuse the result of div. The optimization is broken by return.
Try these code:

__declspec(noinline) int is_prime_A(unsigned int n)
    unsigned int p;
    int ret = -1;
    if (!(n & 1) || n < 2) return n == 2;

    /* comparing p*p <= n can overflow */
    p = 1;
    do {
        p += 2;
        if (p >= n / p) ret = 1; /* Let's return latter outside the loop. */
        if (!(n % p)) ret = 0;
    } while (ret < 0);
    return ret;

__declspec(noinline) int is_prime_B(unsigned int n)
    unsigned int p;
    if (!(n & 1) || n < 2) return n == 2;

    /* comparing p*p <= n can overflow */
    p = 1;
    do {
        p += 2;
        if (p > n / p) return 1; /* The common routine. */
        if (!(n % p)) return 0;
    } while (1);

The is_prime_B will be twice slower than is_prime_A on MSVC / ICC for windows.

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