CSS animate custom properties/variables

This can be achieved by defining variables using (as of writing this, not well-supported) @property, which allows declaring types and that allows the browser to “understand”, for example, that a certain property (variable) is a Number and then it can gradually animate/transition that variable.

Example Code:

@property --opacity {
  syntax: '<number>'; /* <- defined as type number for the transition to work */
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

@keyframes fadeIn {
  50% {--opacity: 1}

html {
  animation: 2s fadeIn infinite;
  background: rgba(0 0 0 / var(--opacity));

The current types that are allowed include:

length, number, percentage, length-percentage, color, image, url, integer, angle, time, resolution, transform-list, transform-function, custom-ident (an identifier string)

Helpful articles:

  1. https://web.dev/at-property/#writing-houdini-custom-properties
  2. https://css-tricks.com/using-property-for-css-custom-properties
  3. Cool Houdini demos

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