data.table join then add columns to existing data.frame without re-copy

This is easy to do:

X[Y, z := i.z]

It works because the only difference between Y[X] and X[Y] here, is when some elements are not in Y, in which case presumably you’d want z to be NA, which the above assignment will exactly do.

It would also work just as well for many variables:

X[Y, `:=`(z1 = i.z1, z2 = i.z2, ...)]

Since you require the operation Y[X], you can add the argument nomatch=0 (as @mnel points out) so as to not get NAs for those where X doesn’t contain the key values from Y. That is:

X[Y, z := i.z, nomatch=0]

From the NEWS for data.table

    **                                          **
    **   CHANGES IN DATA.TABLE VERSION 1.7.10   **
    **                                          **


o   The prefix i. can now be used in j to refer to join inherited
    columns of i that are otherwise masked by columns in x with
    the same name.

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