Determine original size of image cross browser?

You have 2 options:

Option 1:

Remove the width and height attributes and read offsetWidth and offsetHeight

Option 2:

Create a JavaScript Image object, set the src, and read the width and height (you don’t even have to add it to the page to do this).

function getImgSize(imgSrc) {
    var newImg = new Image();

    newImg.onload = function() {
      var height = newImg.height;
      var width = newImg.width;
      alert ('The image size is '+width+'*'+height);

    newImg.src = imgSrc; // this must be done AFTER setting onload

Edit by Pekka: As agreed in the comments, I changed the function to run on the ´onload´ event of the image. Otherwise, with big images, height and width would not return anything because the image was not loaded yet.

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