Difference between focusin/focusout and focus/blur, with example

The focusin and focusout events bubble, the focus and blur events doesn’t. That means that you can use the focusin and focusout on the parent element of a form field.

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/pAp4E/


<div class="parent">
    <input type="text" />

<div class="log"></div>


    .focusin(function(){log('div focusin');})
    .focusout(function(){log('div focusout');})
    .focus(function(){log('div focus');})
    .blur(function(){log('div blur');});
    .focusin(function(){log('input focusin');})
    .focusout(function(){log('input focusout');})
    .focus(function(){log('input focus');})
    .blur(function(){log('input blur');});

function log(str){

When you run it, you see that only the input gets all the events, the parent only gets the focusin and focusout events.

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