Dynamically generate columns for crosstab in PostgreSQL

You can use the provided C function crosstab_hash for this.

The manual is not very clear in this respect. It’s mentioned at the end of the chapter on crosstab() with two parameters:

You can create predefined functions to avoid having to write out the
result column names and types in each query. See the examples in the
previous section. The underlying C function for this form of crosstab
is named crosstab_hash.

For your example:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_cross_test_db(text, text)
  RETURNS TABLE (kernel_id int, key1 int, key2 int, key3 int)
  AS '$libdir/tablefunc','crosstab_hash' LANGUAGE C STABLE STRICT;


SELECT * FROM f_cross_test_db(
      'SELECT kernel_id, key, value FROM test_db ORDER BY 1,2'
     ,'SELECT DISTINCT key FROM test_db ORDER BY 1');

Note that you need to create a distinct crosstab_hash function for every crosstab function with a different return type.


Your function to generate the column list is rather convoluted, the result is incorrect (int missing after kernel_id), it can be replaced with this SQL query:

SELECT 'kernel_id int, '
       || string_agg(DISTINCT key::text, ' int, '  ORDER BY key::text)
       || ' int, DUMMY text'
FROM   test_db;

And it cannot be used dynamically anyway.

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