ERROR: unterminated quoted string at or near

I encountered this error in liquibase and this page was one of the first search results so I guess I share my solution at this page:

You can put your whole sql in a separate file and include this in the changeset.
Its important to set the splitStatements option to false.

The whole changeset would then look like

<changeSet author="fgrosse" id="530b61fec3ac9">
    <sqlFile path="your_sql_file_here.sql" splitStatements="false"/>

I always like to have those big SQL parts (like function updates and such) in separate files.
This way you get proper syntax highlighting when opening the sql file and dont have to intermix XML and SQL in one file.

Edit: as mentioned in the comments its worth noting that the sql change supports the splitStatements option as well (thx to AndreyT for pointing that out).

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