Excel Macro, inserting internationally valid formula during run-time

Ok, thanks for helping me with this, you’ve helped me crack this one.

It is indeed not possible to just use English. One can use English when operating on a formula, eg. by setting coding Range("A1").formula="AND(TRUE)", but this does not work with FormatConditions.

My solution is a function that writes a formula temporarily to a cell, reads it through the FormulaLocal property, and returns the localized formula, like so:

Function GetLocalizedFormula(formula As String)
' returns the English formula from the parameter in the local format
  Dim temporary As String
  temporary = Range("A1").formula
  Range("A1").formula = formula
  Dim result As String
  result = Range("A1").FormulaLocal
  Range("A1").formula = temporary
  GetLocalizedFormula = result
End Function

The returned formula can be used on FormatConditions, which will be re-localized or un-localized when the document is later opened on a different-language version of Excel.

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