Find the missing and duplicate elements in an array in linear time and constant space

If all numbers were present in the array the sum would be N(N+1)/2.

Determine the actual sum by summing up all numbers in the array in O(n), let this be Sum(Actual).

One number is missing, let this be j and one number is duplicated, let this be k. That means that

Sum(Actual) = N(N+1)/2 + k – j

derived from that

k = Sum(Actual) -N(N+1)/2 + j

Also we can calculate the sum of squares in the array, which would sum up to
n3/3 + n2/2 + n/6 if all numbers were present.

Now we can calculate the actual sum of squares in O(n), let this be Sum(Actual Squares).

Sum(Actual Squares) =n3/3 +
n2/2 + n/6 + k2
– j2

Now we have two equations with which we can determine j and k.

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