flock(): removing locked file without race condition?

Sorry if I reply to a dead question:

After locking the file, open another copy of it, fstat both copies and check the inode number, like this:

lockfile = "/tmp/some_name.lock";

    while(1) {
        fd = open(lockfile, O_CREAT);
        flock(fd, LOCK_EX);

        fstat(fd, &st0);
        stat(lockfile, &st1);
        if(st0.st_ino == st1.st_ino) break;



    flock(fd, LOCK_UN);

This prevents the race condition, because if a program holds a lock on a file that is still on the file system, every other program that has a leftover file will have a wrong inode number.

I actually proved it in the state-machine model, using the following properties:

If P_i has a descriptor locked on the filesystem then no other process is in the critical section.

If P_i is after the stat with the right inode or in the critical section it has the descriptor locked on the filesystem.

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