Generate a resultset of incrementing dates in TSQL

If your dates are no more than 2047 days apart:

declare @dt datetime, @dtEnd datetime
set @dt = getdate()
set @dtEnd = dateadd(day, 100, @dt)

select dateadd(day, number, @dt)
    (select number from master.dbo.spt_values
     where [type] = 'P'
    ) n
where dateadd(day, number, @dt) < @dtEnd

I updated my answer after several requests to do so. Why?

The original answer contained the subquery

 select distinct number from master.dbo.spt_values
     where name is null

which delivers the same result, as I tested them on SQL Server 2008, 2012, and 2016.

However, as I tried to analyze the code that MSSQL internally when querying from spt_values, I found that the SELECT statements always contain the clause WHERE [type]='[magic code]'.

Therefore I decided that although the query returns the correct result, it delivers the correct result for wrong reasons:

There may be a future version of SQL Server which defines a different [type] value which also has NULL as values for [name], outside the range of 0-2047, or even non-contiguous, in which case the result would be simply wrong.

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