Get the application’s path

In Java the calls




return the current working directory.

The call to


returns the path to the JAR file containing the current class, or the CLASSPATH element (path) that yielded the current class if you’re running directly from the filesystem.


  1. Your application is located at

  2. Open the shell (cmd.exe) and cd to C:\test\subdirectory.

  3. Start the application using the command java -jar C:\MyJar.jar.

  4. The first two calls return ‘C:\test\subdirectory’; the third call returns ‘C:\MyJar.jar’.

When running from a filesystem rather than a JAR file, the result will be the path to the root of the generated class files, for instance


The path does not include the package directories for the generated class files.

A complete example to get the application directory without .jar file name, or the corresponding path to the class files if running directly from the filesystem (e.g. when debugging):

String applicationDir = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath(); 

if (applicationDir.endsWith(".jar"))
    applicationDir = new File(applicationDir).getParent();
// else we already have the correct answer

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