Referencing current row in FILTER clause of window function

You are not actually aggregating rows, so the new aggregate FILTER clause is not the right tool. A window function is more like it, a problem remains, however: the frame definition of a window cannot depend on values of the current row. It can only count a given number of rows preceding or following with the ROWS clause.

To make that work, aggregate counts per day and LEFT JOIN to a full set of days in range. Then you can apply a window function:

SELECT t.*, ct.ct_last4days
   SELECT *, sum(ct) OVER (ORDER BY dt ROWS 3 PRECEDING) AS ct_last4days
   FROM  (
      SELECT generate_series(min(dt), max(dt), interval '1 day')::date AS dt
      FROM   tbl t1
      ) d
   LEFT   JOIN (SELECT dt, count(*) AS ct FROM tbl GROUP BY 1) t USING (dt)
   ) ct
JOIN  tbl t USING (dt);

Omitting ORDER BY dt in the widow frame definition usually works, since the order is carried over from generate_series() in the subquery. But there are no guarantees in the SQL standard without explicit ORDER BY and it might break in more complex queries.

SQL Fiddle.


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