Hibernate IN Clause with multiple columns

Putting down here how I implemented this. Basically we need to make a Hibernate Component (read @Embeddable object) out of the set of columns we need to query on and embed it in the main Entity.

The group of columns can be combined as below:

public class CompositeColumns{
  private String col1;
  private String col2;

  //Empty constructor is required by Hibernate for instantiation
  public CompositeColumns(){

  public CompositeColumns(String col1, String col2){
            this.col1 = col1;
            this.col2 = col2;

  public String getCol1(){
  //Rest of getters and setters

Embed the above in your main entity class as below:

public class MyEntity{
 private Integer id;
 private String col3;
 private String col4
 private CompositeColumns pairedCol1Col2;
 //Getters Setters


The query would then look as below:

List<CompositeColumns> cols = //get a list of CompositeColumns type

Query query=session.createQuery( "from MyEntity where pairedCol1Col2 in (:list)" );
query.setParameterList( "list", list );

This does the job.

Note: I ran this on an Oracle database

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