How can I create cartesian product of vector of vectors?

First, I’ll show you a recursive version.

// Cartesion product of vector of vectors

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>

// Types to hold vector-of-ints (Vi) and vector-of-vector-of-ints (Vvi)
typedef std::vector<int> Vi;
typedef std::vector<Vi> Vvi;

// Just for the sample -- populate the intput data set
Vvi build_input() {
   Vvi vvi;

   for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      Vi vi;
      for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
   return vvi;

// just for the sample -- print the data sets
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Vi& vi)
  os << "(";
  std::copy(vi.begin(), vi.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(os, ", "));
  os << ")";
  return os;
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Vvi& vvi)
  os << "(\n";
  for(Vvi::const_iterator it = vvi.begin();
      it != vvi.end();
      it++) {
      os << "  " << *it << "\n";
  os << ")";
  return os;

// recursive algorithm to to produce cart. prod.
// At any given moment, "me" points to some Vi in the middle of the
// input data set. 
//   for int i in *me:
//      add i to current result
//      recurse on next "me"
void cart_product(
    Vvi& rvvi,  // final result
    Vi&  rvi,   // current result 
    Vvi::const_iterator me, // current input
    Vvi::const_iterator end) // final input
    if(me == end) {
        // terminal condition of the recursion. We no longer have
        // any input vectors to manipulate. Add the current result (rvi)
        // to the total set of results (rvvvi).

    // need an easy name for my vector-of-ints
    const Vi& mevi = *me;
    for(Vi::const_iterator it = mevi.begin();
        it != mevi.end();
        it++) {
        // final rvi will look like "a, b, c, ME, d, e, f"
        // At the moment, rvi already has "a, b, c"
        rvi.push_back(*it);  // add ME
        cart_product(rvvi, rvi, me+1, end); add "d, e, f"
        rvi.pop_back(); // clean ME off for next round

// sample only, to drive the cart_product routine.
int main() {
  Vvi input(build_input());
  std::cout << input << "\n";

  Vvi output;
  Vi outputTemp;
  cart_product(output, outputTemp, input.begin(), input.end());
  std::cout << output << "\n";

Now, I’ll show you the recursive iterative version that I shamelessly stole from @John :

The rest of the program is pretty much the same, only showing the cart_product function.

// Seems like you'd want a vector of iterators
// which iterate over your individual vector<int>s.
struct Digits {
    Vi::const_iterator begin;
    Vi::const_iterator end;
    Vi::const_iterator me;
typedef std::vector<Digits> Vd;
void cart_product(
    Vvi& out,  // final result
    Vvi& in)  // final result

    Vd vd;

    // Start all of the iterators at the beginning.
    for(Vvi::const_iterator it = in.begin();
        it != in.end();
        ++it) {
        Digits d = {(*it).begin(), (*it).end(), (*it).begin()};

    while(1) {

        // Construct your first product vector by pulling 
        // out the element of each vector via the iterator.
        Vi result;
        for(Vd::const_iterator it = vd.begin();
            it != vd.end();
            it++) {

        // Increment the rightmost one, and repeat.

        // When you reach the end, reset that one to the beginning and
        // increment the next-to-last one. You can get the "next-to-last"
        // iterator by pulling it out of the neighboring element in your
        // vector of iterators.
        for(Vd::iterator it = vd.begin(); ; ) {
            // okay, I started at the left instead. sue me
            if(it->me == it->end) {
                if(it+1 == vd.end()) {
                    // I'm the last digit, and I'm about to roll
                } else {
                    // cascade
                    it->me = it->begin;
            } else {
                // normal

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